Add a FAQ
First steps
- Fill up the form and provide details regarding the company and yourself.
- Save it!
- You will receive an email to confirm your account.
- You will be redirected to the pricing page
- Choose the best plan for your needs

An application is a type of message.
It includes:
It includes:
- A voice recording, done on the fly
- A structured data form composed of questions
- Application language
- Application availability
- Position of the voice recording
- Various explanation texts
- Security and data protection

Available integrations
It is possible to generate very easily, a fully customizable button, using CSS rules. Just copy and paste the following code where you want to integrate this button in your page :
<script src="https://www.tookan.co/main.js?key=<clef>"></script>
var myTookanDemo = new Tookan({
'button-label' : 'Contact us <i class="fa fa-volume-up"></i>',
'button-tooltip' : 'Leave us an audio message !',
'modal-title' : 'Welcome to ACME Inc.',
When the user clicks on the button:
- If your website is in HTTPS : the TOOKAN application will come up in a popup window
- If your website is in HTTP : the TOOKAN application will come up in a separated tab. That's a limitation given by some browsers.
Just copy/paste the following HTML code:
To install with no fee a SSL certificate, please consider Let's encrypt which is a very efficient solution.
<script src="https://www.tookan.co/iframe.js?key=<clef>"></script>
<iframe id="tookan-modal-content-iframe" allow="microphone" frameborder="0" style="overflow:hidden; width: 100%;" src="https://www.tookan.co/message?key=<clef>" ></iframe>
You should use this integration only when your website supports SSL.To install with no fee a SSL certificate, please consider Let's encrypt which is a very efficient solution.
If you need to use only the audio recording capability from Tookan and you wish to integrate it within your original contact form, please consider the following example:
When the user clicks on the button:
<script src="https://www.tookan.co/main.js?key=<clef>">"></script>
function onEnd(values) {
//values contient le json avec toutes les réponses fournies par l'application (audio et réponses du formulaire de qualification s'il existe)
var myTookan = new Tookan({
'button-label' : 'Parlez-nous de vous <i class="fa fa-volume-up"></i>',
'button-tooltip' : 'Parlez-nous de vous en quelques secondes',
'modal-title' : 'Parlez-nous de vous',
'onEnd' : 'onEnd'
Define a callback function to parse data sent by Tookan and inject them into your existing form.
When the user clicks on the button:
- If your website is in HTTPS : the TOOKAN application will come up in a popup window
- If your website is in HTTP : the TOOKAN application will come up in a separated tab. That's a limitation given by some browsers.
An extension does exist and will make the integration very easy. While it's being finalized, you can still use the previous integrations.
If you don't have a website, it's totally possible to use TOOKAN. Each application has its own dedicated public area, accessible via a direct link.
Feel free to share it or print out the QR Code available in your administration back-office.
Feel free to share it or print out the QR Code available in your administration back-office.
Application workflow
Yes. There is no problem to do so!
That is the default behaviour. It can be configured to be displayed after the form.
Yes. There is no problem to do so!
- Text field with no carriage return (Ex : Last name, first name,...)
- Text field with carriage return (Ex : Description, Comments, ...)
- Email text field
- NUmeric text field with limit values
- Dropdown (single choice)
- Radio buttons (single choice)
- Checkboxes (multiple choices)
- Date
- Note/evaluation (between 1 and a limit value to define)
- Image file (JPEG) : Max 2Mo
- Document file (PDF) : Max 10Mo
- Video file (OGG, MP4, WEBM) : Max 50Mo